Friday, February 12, 2010

Snow Day

A few years back we had one of our rare snowfalls here in coastal Carolina. We were having a pretty good duck season. A few of us planned on hunting on my day off, but snow was predicted. Down here the highway department has no provisions for snow removal. So we figured it would be too bad of a drive.

We got up early just to see what the weather was like. The snow had started and the roads were completely covered. I drove around the neighborhood and actually the roads seemed alright so we decided to try it.

Dad and my son Kevin went with me. We were just a couple miles from the house when we encountered another car. Out of control. I had to get on my brakes and that sent my Blazer and the boat trailer into a large scale skid. When I recovered, my Dad suggested we turn around and try to make it home. I overruled. I told them if we could make it to the River we'd have a great shoot.

We made it, but it was tough going at times. Once I got out in the country, you really couldn't tell where the road was. I ran off the road several times but was able to keep it out of the ditch. Once we turned down the gravel road to the river it was alright. We made it to the ramp and before we could even get launched we saw some headlights coming. It was my partner Trevor. He had a little miniature pickup truck and said it was a scary ride but he made it uneventfully.

We got set up and the snow continued to fall. Very little wind, snow piling up on the backs of the decoys. Beautiful. Probably 45 minutes after shooting time the first Bluebills showed up. The flight went on and on. In an hour we had a four man limit. Trevor said he had enough and volunteered to take all the birds home with him. Fine by me. So Dad, Kevin and I shot another limit. Kevin still says it was the finest day he has ever hunted. It was right up there with the best for Dad and I too. My son Mike still regrets that he didn't go along. Decided the night before to stay over at a friend's house because he thought the snow would stop us from hunting. Wish he could have been there. Dads always wish their sons could share good days like our Snow Day.

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