Thursday, February 11, 2010

The Big List

This will take some time, and keep in mind that it is a work in progress.

  1. Mallard
  2. Black Duck
  3. Redlegged Black Duck
  4. Mallard X Black Duck Hybrid
  5. Mottled Duck
  6. Northern Pintail
  7. Gadwall
  8. American Wigeon
  9. Northern Shoveler
  10. Wood Duck
  11. Green Wing Teal
  12. Blue Wing Teal
  13. Cinnamon Teal
  14. Canvasback
  15. Redhead
  16. Common Goldeneye
  17. Greater Scaup
  18. Lesser Scaup
  19. Ringneck
  20. Ruddy Duck
  21. Bufflehead
  22. White Wing Scoter
  23. Surf Scoter
  24. Black Scoter
  25. Common Eider
  26. Borealis Eider
  27. Oldsquaw
  28. Atlantic Brant
  29. Atlantic Canada Goose
  30. Hudson Bay Canada Goose
  31. Giant Canada Goose
  32. Hutchinson Canada Goose
  33. Greater Snow
  34. Lesser Snow
  35. Blue Goose
  36. Ross' Goose
  37. Whitefront Goose
  38. Tundra Swan
  39. Common Merganser
  40. Red Breasted Merganser
  41. Hooded Merganser
  42. Coot
  43. Black Necked Swan
  44. Coscoroba Swan
  45. Greater Magellan Goose (White Phase)
  46. Greater Magellan Goose (Barred Phase)
  47. Lesser Magellan Goose (White Phase)
  48. Lesser Magellan Goose (Barred Phase)
  49. Ashey Head Goose
  50. Ruddy Headed Goose
  51. Yellow Billed Pintail
  52. White Cheeked Pintail
  53. Rosey Billed Pochard
  54. Chiloe Wigeon
  55. Red Shoveler
  56. Speckled Teal
  57. Sharp Winged Teal
  58. Silver Teal
  59. Puna Teal
  60. Ring Teal
  61. SA Cinnamon Teal
  62. Black Headed Duck
  63. Argentina Bluebill
  64. Fulvous Whistling Duck
  65. White Faced Whistling Duck
  66. Yellow Billed Coot
  67. Mourning Dove
  68. Argentinian Ground Dove
  69. Eared Dove
  70. Pigeon
  71. Spot Wing Pigeon
  72. Blue Wing Pigeon
  73. Jacksnipe
  74. Woodcock
  75. Ringnecked Pheasant
  76. Melonistic Mutant Pheasant
  77. Bobwhite Quail
  78. Perdiz
  79. Ruffed Grouse
  80. Sharptail Grouse
  81. Chukar Partridge
  82. Hungarian Partridge
  83. Snowshoe Rabbit
  84. European Hare
  85. Cottontail Rabbit
  86. Jackrabbit
  87. Marsh Rabbit
  88. Argentine Hare
  89. Clapper Rail
  90. Eastern Wild Turkey
  91. Rio Grande Turkey
  92. Red Fox Squirrel
  93. Black Fox Squirrel
  94. Gray Squirrel
  95. Red Squirrel
  96. White Tail Deer
  97. Black Bear
  98. Racoon
  99. Ground Hog
  100. Crow
  101. Black Bird
  102. Red Winged Blackbird
  103. Meadow Lark
  104. Robin
  105. Starling
  106. Pied Bill Grebe
  107. Opossum
  108. Coyote
Realistically, I may never add another species. But I hope to kill: Brazilian Teal, Black Bellied Tree Duck, Pacific Brant, Pacific Eider, King Eider, Harlequin Duck, Eurasian Wigeon, Barrow's Goldeneye, Sandhill Crain, Ptarmigan, Wild Boar,  Bobcat and a Hephalump.


  1. I have a long way to go to catch up. I've on killed 43 of the 108 you have listed. Maybe one day....

  2. I have a long way to go to catch up. I've on killed 43 of the 108 you have listed. Maybe one day....
