Monday, January 26, 2015

Too Cold

We went to Maine in January 2015 for a seaduck hunt.  Unfortunately they had record cold temperatures and gale force winds while we were there.  Ruined the hunt.  The guide wasn't very well prepared for the extremely cold, windy conditions, but blamed the lack of shooting on it being too cold for ducks to fly.  That is a new one on me.

We got out to hunt for about three hours for two days.  One day on a very small island and the other day on a rock ledge.  Of course the 11 foot range of tide there makes the ledges completely submerged on high tide and there is some risk involved when the temperature is -12 and the wind chill is -44.  We toughed it out and tried to get some shooting but it just didn't happen.  We killed 9 Eiders total in the two mornings we hunted.  Pretty sad.

Very expensive trip.  Since I plan on retiring this year, that is probably the last guided hunt I'll ever be able to take.  Makes it even more disappointing.

Whatever.  We all did our best and toughed it out in colder temperatures than most people will ever hunt in.  But, seeing how tough we were was not the reason for the trip.  I already knew I was tough.

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