Thursday, July 1, 2010

Game Wardens

I don't expect anybody but myself to be perfect. But, there are certain expectations when it comes to law enforcement personnel. The following stories briefly tell of a few Game Wardens that didn't quite make the grade. But they also relate stories about a few Game Wardens that were nice guys first and law enforcers second.

Game warden ticketed McGee for hunting over corn at Hospital Point. Took his gun away from him, claiming that McGee was threatening. McGee had to deploy so he called the court and mailed in his fine. Warden never returned his gun. I went to the warden's house and took the gun and he threatened to shoot me. Went on to become Game Warden of the Year and got promoted to Sergeant.

A game warden looked over a blind we had on the Pamlico River, adjacent to the State Game Lands and informed us that we were "barely legal". Whit asked him if that was similar to being "sort of pregnant". He hounded us for several years after that.

Game warden in Pamlico County got his head caved in by a poacher. Truly a bad deal. His replacement came up to our blind the following year and told us he was just a couple years away from retirement and that he hoped we could get along. Never checked us in any way. Stopped by to get a cup of coffee each day he saw us hunting, but never bothered us. He is still enjoying his retirement.

Game warden stopped 3 of us coming out of the Goose Creek Impoundment one day and told us not to move or speak. Pretty bold order. The other 2 hunters pretty much did as he said and I ignored him completely. When he came to check me he threatened around a little and I offered him my wrists. He knew the law, just tried to bluff and bully people.

Had a game warden ask to check my Dad's double barrel shotgun, to see if it would hold more than 3 shells.

Had a game warden try to lick my duck stamp, to stick it to my license.

Had a game warden try to wade in 5 feet of water in hip boots. More than once.

Had a game warden run his boat ashore on the New River and had to come and ask for help to get off the rocky beach. Then came to the blind and gave me grief because we were putting all our birds on one duck strap and couldn't prove who had killed each of them.

Had a game warden make large, circling passes in his big Parker boat, out at the mouth of the Pamlico River, to move some birds around for us. He also got a hot cup of coffee whenever he stopped by.

Had a game warden mysteriously find corn near every blind on the New River. Ticketed every hunter on the river all Winter. When I asked him if there was any place left that I could hunt without getting a ticket he told me to try any place I wanted and he'd find corn there. Went on to be Game Warden of the Year, wait I already mentioned that.

Had a huge task force of game wardens come to Pamlico Point the last day of the season for several years. One checked us, that didn't even know what the species of birds were. He said he was from the mountains and just worked on bear poachers for 25 years. He drank some coffee and left.

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