Monday, March 29, 2010

Call your dog!

We use a public boat ramp when we're hunting up at Pamlico Point. It is only a few hundred yards from our Duck Camp. Very convenient. But, being a public ramp, all sorts of ne'er-do-wells launch there. We pack our boat, get fully dressed and sometimes even load the dog in the boat before we drive down to the ramp. Makes everything go fast and smooth. Most people who drive in from some distance stop up on the road and get everything all set so they are only on the ramp for a couple minutes. Others don't. They take 10 minutes to back into position, take their time getting dressed, getting gear loaded into their boat, being a general nuisance. Whatever.

One time when we were launching, some real SOB had let his Lab out to run all around, all crazy, while he was getting ready to launch. The dog jumped on other hunters, tearing waders. Jumped on peoples trucks, muddying and scratching the paint. But the SOB just took his time. His dog jumped on other dogs that hunters had at heel, or had on a leash, but the guy never got the message. The second morning that the SOB and his ill trained dog were at the ramp we had a little excitement.

I had loaded Hoss (aka - 120 pounds of romp stompin' hell) into the boat before we drove down to the ramp. Morris kept Patty in the car. We launched and I held the bow rope on the boat while Morris parked the car. Meanwhile the cur Lab ran over to me and jumped into our boat to fight with Hoss. His final mistake. I just let them go at it for a couple minutes until the guy came running up to me and hollered "Call your dog!" I calmly informed him that my dog was exactly where he was supposed to be and that maybe he ought to call his dog. Well, it didn't work. He was foolishly brave enough to jump into our boat to attempt to save his dog.

When he finally climbed out of the boat, he and his dog appeared to have been run through a meat grinder. As he carried his dog back to his truck, several onlookers taunted him with "Call your dog" jokes. I wonder if he trained his next dog a little better.

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