Friday, December 16, 2011

Barnegat Bay

In December 2011, I made a trip to the famous Barnegat Bay. It was worth it. I met up with Dave Schneider, who I had met in Maine a few years before, gunning Eider. We hunted with Ray Bukowski and Brian LaFay of Reedy Creek Outfitters.

The trip was all arranged 10 months in advance and all went well, except the weather. It had been a very warm winter up to that point and unfortunately that continued during our trip. Sunny, warm and no wind. Really had it going our way! But we managed to make the best of it. The first day we shot Sea Ducks from a layout boat. Uncomfortable for an old crippled guy like me, but all in all a very exciting shoot. Been a few years since I had shot any Oldsquaw. Dave had his chance for a triple-play on Scoter, but missed his shot on the Black Scoter. He had never shot any White-Wing or Surf before, so it was still a great shoot for him.

The next two days we went into the marshes and small bays down near Tuckerton/Brigantine. Really neat terrain. Seemingly endless bays and channels all surrounded by grassy flats (referred to as salt meadows by the locals). Brant and Black Ducks were everywhere. Due to the terrible hunting weather, not a whole lot moved but we pretty much made the best of it. The last day we had 3 beautiful passes on Brant; 30 yards out, wings cupped and feet dangling.

Dave took 3-4 birds home for mounting, the rest are in my freezer.

The guides were really knowledgeable duckmen. The had great decoy spreads, mostly consisting of E. Allen decoys. Those decoys ought to be good since they run $90 apiece. The guides said it was worth the money not only due to the success they had shooting over them, but the decoys were very durable and they were still using a lot of the decoys they had when they first started guiding. They also had great boat blinds. Home made affairs, and each a little different, but comfortable and effective. Their knowledge of the area, combined with daily scouting put us in a decent spot each day.

I've heard about Barnegat Bay since I first read about duck shooting, and I am very happy to have gotten up there. To hunt a place with such a wonderful gunning heritage was really great.